Sorsche, D; Lima, M. A. L; Meitinger, N; Prasad, K; Mandal, S; Glusac, K. D; Rau, S; Pannwitz, A. Shifting the MLCT of d6 Metal Complexes to the Red and NIR
Coord Chem Rev 2025
Reji, R; Vizuet, J. P.; an, X; Behera, B; Zheng, X; Klenk, M; Weingartz, N. P.; Kostopoulos, G. T; Chen, L. X; Agarwal, N; Zapol, P; Huerta, E. A; Keceli, M; Glusac, K. Product Selectivity in Photochemical CO2 Reduction by a Post-synthetically Modified Zr-MOF
ChemRxiv 2025
Kani, N. C.; Goyal, I; Olusegun, S. A.; Chinnabattigalla, S; Bhawnani, R. R.; Glusac, K. D; Gauthier, J. A.; Singh, M. R. Screening Transition Metal Electrodes for Achieving Near 100% Selectivity to Urea via Electroreduction of NO3- and CO2 at 100 mA cm-2 Current Density
Sustain. Energy Fuels 2024
Zheng, X; Bolotin, I. L; Tanriover, B; Rathnayake, K; Askins, E. J; Caban, J; Mankad, N. P.; Glusac, K. Chlorination and Oxygenation of Carbon Electrodes for Covalent Attachment of Thiol-Terminated Molecules
ChemRvix 2024
Gersib, S; Askins, E; Li, M; Subasinghe, S. M. S; Behera, B. K; MacElheny, D; Son, S; Amine, K; Glusac, K; Mankad, N. P. Dimolybdenum Paddlewheel Complexes with Cation Binding Sites as Electrolyte Additives to Manipulate the Solid-electrolyte Interphase at Lithium Metal Anodes
ChemRvix 2024
Barlow, J. M; Gupta, N; Glusac, K; Tiede, D. M; Kaphan, D. M. Proton-responsive Ligands Promote Atmospheric CO2 Capture and Accelerate Catalytic CO2/HCO2- Interconversion
Inorg. Chem. 2024
Goyal, I; Kani, N. C; Olusegun, S. A; Chinnabattigalla, S; Bhawnani, R. R; Glusac, K. D; Singh, A. R; Gauthier, J. A; Singh, M. R. Metal Nitride as a Mediator for the Electrochemical Synthesis of NH3
ACS Energy Lett 2024
Gupta, N; Segre,C; Streb; Gao, D; Glusac, K. Structural Investigation of the Cu/W/Co-based Mixed Metal Oxide Electrocatalysts using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2024
Zheng, X; Reji,R; Drummer,M. D; He, H; Niklas, J; Weingartz, N. P.; Bolotin, I. L.; Chen, L. X.; Poluektov, O. G; Zapol, P; Glusac, K. D. Facile Optical Gap Tuning in Nanographene-MOFs
ACS Appl Opt Mater 2023
Z. Xie, N. Gupta, J. Niklas, O. Poluektov, V. Lynch, K. Glusac and K. Mulfort Photochemical Charge Accumulation in a Heteroleptic Copper(I)-anthraquinone Molecular Dyad via Proton-coupled Electron Transfer
Chem Sci 2023
Finkelmeyer, S. J; Askins, E. J.; Eichhorn, J; Ghosh, S; Siegmund, C; Tauscher, E; Dellith, A; Hupfer, M. L; Dellith, J; Ritter, U; Strzalka, J; Glusac, K; Schacher, F. H; Presselt, M Tailoring the Weight of Surface and Intralayer Edge States to Control Lumo Energies
Adv Mater 2023
Zheng, X; Drummer, M. C; He, H; Rayder, T. M; Niklas, J; Weingartz, N. P; Singh, V; Kramar, B, V; Chen, L. X; Hupp, J. T; Poluektov, O. G; Farha, O. K; Zapol, P; Glusac, K. D. Photoreactive CO2 Capture by a Zr-Nanographene MOF
J Phys Chem Lett 2023
Weerasooriya, R.; Drummer, M.; Phelan, B, T.; Gesiorski, J.; Sprague, E. A.; Chen, L.; Glusac, K. Towards Metal-free Photocatalysis: Photochemical Regeneration of Organic Hydride Donors Using Phenazine-based Photosensitizers
J Phys Chem C 2022
Drummer, M.; Weerasooriya, R.; Gupta, N.; Askins, E.; Liu, X.; Valentine, A.; Li, X.; Glusac, K. Proton-coupled Electron Transfer in a Ruthenium (II) Bipyrimidine Complex in its Ground and Excited Electronic States
J Phys Chem A 2022
Drummer, M. C.; Weerasooriya, R.; Gupta, N.; Phelan, B. T.; Valentine, A. J. S.; Cordones, A. A.; Li, X.; Chen, L. X. and Glusac, K. D. Long-lived Excited State in a Solubilized Graphene Nanoribbon
J Phys Chem C 2022
Askins, E. J.; Zoric, M. R.; Li, M.; Luo, Z.; Amine, K. and Glusac, K. D. Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of Electrocatalytic Nanocarbon
Nat Commun 2021
Drummer, M. C.; Singh, V.; Gupta, N.; Gesiorski, J. L.; Weerasooriya, R. and Glusac, K. D. Photophysics of Nanographenes: from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Graphene Nanoribbons
Photosynth Res 2021
Weerasooriya, R.; Gesiorski, J. L.; Alherz, A.; Ilic, S.; Hargenrader, G.; Musgrave, C. B. and Glusac, K. D Kinetics of Hydride Transfer from Metal-Free Hydride Donors to CO2
J Phys Chem Lett 2021
Zoric, M. R.; Askins, E. J.; Qiao, X. and Glusac, K. D. Strong Electronic Coupling of Graphene Nanoribbons onto Basal Plane of Glassy Carbon Electrode
ACS Appl Electron Mater 2021
Singh, V; Gupta, N; Hargenrader, G. N; Askins, E. J; Valentine, A. J. S; Kumar, G; Mara, M. W; Agarwal, N; Li, X; Chen, L. X; Cordones, A. A; Glusac, K. D Photophysics of Graphene Quantum Dot Assemblies with Axially Coordinated Cobaloxime Catalysts
J Chem Phys 2020
Part of the 65 Years of Electron Transfer special issue
Singh, V.; Zoric, M. R.; Hargenrader, G. N.; Valentine, A. J. S.; Zivojinovic, O.; Milic, D.R.; Li, X. and Glusac, K. D Exciton Coherence Length and Dynamics in Graphene Quantum Dot Assemblies
J Phys Chem Lett 2020
Zoric, M. R.; Singh, V.; Warren, S.; Plunkett, S.; Khatmullin, R.; Chaplin, B. P. and Glusac, K. D. Electron Transfer Kinetics at Graphene Quantum Dot Assembly Electrodes
ACS Appl Mat Interfaces 2019
Zoric, M. R.; Singh, V.; Zeller, M.; Glusac, K. D. Conformational analysis of diols: Role of the linker on the relative orientation of hydroxyl groups
J Phys Org Chem 2019
Ilic, S.; Alherz, A.; Musgrave, C. B.; Glusac, K. D. Importance of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Cathodic Regeneration of Organic Hydrides
Chem Commun 2019
Part of the Frontiers in Proton Coupled Electron Transfer themed collection.
C.-H. Lim, S. Ilic, A. Alherz, B. T. Worrell, S. S. Bacon, J. T. Hynes, K. D. Glusac. and C. B. Musgrave Benzimidazoles as Metal-Free and Recyclable Hydrides for CO2 Reduction to Formate J Am Chem Soc 2019
G. N. Hargenrader, R. B. Weerasooriya, S. Ilic, J. Niklas, O. G. Poluektov and K. D. Glusac Photoregeneration of Biomimetic Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Analogues via a Dye-Sensitized Approach
ACS Appl Energy Mater 2018
Part of the New Chemistry to Advance the Quest for Sustainable Solar Fuels special issue.
M. Zoric, U. P. Kadel and K. D. Glusac Co-catalysis: Role of Organic Cations in Oxygen Evolution Reaction on Oxide Electrodes
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2018
R. N. Alsulami, D. S.Budkina, L. Sallans, E. F.Khisamutdinov, U. Pandey, K. Glusac, A. N.Tarnovskya and R. M. Wilson Oxidation of nucleic acids: Chemistry of pyrene quinone (PQ 1) and development of dihydrodioxins (DHD 2) as DNA photooxidizing agents
J. Photochem Photobiol A 2018
Y. Xie, S. Ilic, S. Skaro, V. Maslak and K. D. Glusac Excited State Hydroxide Ion Release From a Series of Acridinol Photobases
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2017DOI:10.1021/acs/jpca.6b10980.
K. D. Glusac and A. A. Marti Retrospective on the 26th Inter-American Photochemical Society Winter Conference
ACS Energy Lett., 2017DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00162.
K. A. Korvinson, G. N. Hargenrader, J. Stevanovic, Y. Xie, J. Joseph, V. Maslak, C. M. Hadad, and K. D. Glusac Improved Flavin-Based Catalytic Photooxidation of Alcohols through Intersystem Crossing Rate Enhancement
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2016, DOI:10.1021/acs.jpca.6b08405.
M. R. Zoric, U.P. Kadel, K. A. Korvinson, H. L. Luk, A. N. Roldan. M. Zeller and K. D. Glusac Conformational Flexibility of Xanthene-based Covalently Linked Dimers
J. Phys. Org. Chem, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/poc.3572
S. Ilic, E. S. Brown, Y. Xie, S. Maldonado and K. D. Glusac Sensitization of p-GaP with Monocationic Dyes: The Effect of Dye Excited-State Lifetime on Hole Injection Efficiencies
J. Phys. Chem C, 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b10474
J. Walpita, X. Yang, R. Khatmullin, H. L. Luk, C. M. Hadad and K. D. Glusac Pourbaix diagrams in weakly coupled systems: a case study involving acridinol and phenanthridinol pseudobases
J. Phys. Org. Chem, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/poc.3516
Z. Wang, Y. Xie, K. Xu, J. Zhao, K. D. Glusac Diiodobodipy-styrylbodipy Dyads: Preparation and Study of the Intersystem Crossing and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer J. Phys. Chem. A, 2015, 119, 6791-6806
K. Xu, Y. Xie, X. Cui, J. Zhao, K. D. Glusac DiiodoBodipy-Rhodamine Dyads: Preparation and Study of the Acid- Activatable Competing Intersystem Crossing and Energy Transfer Processes J. Phys. Chem. B, 2015, 119, 4175-4187
X. Yang, J. Walpita, E. Mirzakulova, S. Vyas, S. F. Manzer, C. M. Hadad, K. D. Glusac Mechanistic Studies of Electrode-Assisted Catalytic Oxidation by Flavinium and Acridinium Cations ACS Catal., 2014, 4, 2635-2644
S. Gozem, E. Mirzakulova, I. Schapiro, F. Melaccio, K. D. Glusac, M. Olivucci A Conical Intersection Controls the Deactivation of the Bacterial Luciferase Fluorophore Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 126, 10028-10033
X. Yang, J. Walpita, D. Zhou, H. L. Luk, S. Vyas, R. S. Khnayzer, S. Chandra, C. M. Hadad, F. N. Castellano, A. I. Krylov, K. D. Glusac Toward Organic Photohydrides: Excited-State Behavior of 10-Methyl-9-Phenyl- 9.10-dihydroacridine J. Phys. Chem. B, 2013, 117, 15290-15296
Part of the “Michael D. Fayer Festschrift”
R. Khatmullin, D. Zhou, T. Corrigan, E. Mirzakulova, K. D. Glusac Thermolysis and Photolysis of 2-ethyl-4-nitro-1(2H)-isoquinolinium hydroperoxide J. Phys. Org. Chem, 2013, 26, 440-450
R. Liu, A. Azenkeng, D. Zhou, Y. Li, K. D. Glusac, W. Sun Tuning Photophysical Properties and Improving Nonlinear Absorption of Pt(II) Diimine Complexes with Extended π-Conjugation in the Acetylide Ligands J. Phys. Chem. A, 2013, 117, 1907
R. Liu, D. Zhou, A. Azenkeng, Z. Li, Y. Li, K. D. Glusac, W. Sun Nonlinear Absorbing Platinum(II) Diimine Complexes: Synthesis, Photophysics and Reverse Saturable Absorption Chem. Eur. J, 2012, 18, 11440
D. Zhou, R. Khatmullin, J. Walpitha, N. A. Miller, H. L. Luk, S. Vyas, C. M. Hadad, K. D. Glusac The Fast Excited-State Heterolytic C–OH Bond Cleavage of 9-hydroxy-10-methyl-9-phenyl-9,10-dihydroacridine: A Photoemitter of Hydroxide Anions J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2012, 134, 11301
E. Mirzakulova, R. Khatmullin, J. Walpita, T. Corrigan, N. M. Vargas-Barbosa, S. Vyas, S. Oottikkal, S. Manzer, C. M. Hadad, K. D. Glusac Electrode-assisted catalytic water oxidation by a flavin derivative Nature Chemistry, 2012, 4, 794
Z. Li, E. Badaeva, D. Zhou, J. Bjorgaard, K. D. Glusac, S. Killina, W. Sun Tuning Photophysics and Nonlinear Absorption of Bipyridyl Platinum(II) Bisstilbenylacetylide Complexes by Auxiliary Substituents J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116, 4878-4889
P. Kucheryavy, E. Mirzakulova, R. Khatmullin, D. Zhou, K. D. Glusac Photoinduced Electron Transfer In Naphthalimide-Pyridine Systems: Effect of Proton Transfer on Charge Recombination Efficiencies J. Phys. Chem. A, 2011, 115, 42, 11606-11614
J. M. Kellert, K. D. Glusac, E. O. Danilov, S. McIlroy, P. Sreearuothai, A. R. Cook, H. Jiang, J. R. Miller, K. S. Schanze Negative Polaron and Triplet Exciton Diffusion in Organometallic 'Molecular Wires' J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2011, 133, 11289-11298
D. Zhou, E. Mirzakulova, R. Khatmullin, I. Schapiro, M. Olivucci, K. D. Glusac Fast Excited-State Deactivation in N(5)-Ethyl-4a-hydroxyflavin Pseudobase J. Phys. Chem. B, 2011, 115, 7136
V. Sichula, P. Kucheryavy, R. Khatmullin, Y. Hu, E. Mirzakulova, S. Vyas, S. F. Manzer, C. M. Hadad, K. D. Glusac Electronic Properties of N(5)-Ethyl Flavinium Ion J. Phys. Chem. A, 2010, 114, 46, 12138
V. Sichula, Y. Hu, E. Mirzakulova, S. F. Manzer, S. Vyas, C. M. Hadad, K. D. Glusac Mechanism of N(5)-Ethyl-flavinium Cation Formation Upon Electrochemical Oxidation of N(5)-Ethyl-4a-hydroxyflavin Pseudobase J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010, 114, 9452-9461
C. Liao, J. E. Yarnell, K. D. Glusac, K. S. Schanze Photoinduced Charge Separation in Platinum Acetylide Oligomers J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010, 114, 45, 14763
Part of the “Michael R. Wasielewski Festschrift”
G. Li, K. Parimal, S. Vyas, C. M. Hadad, A. H. Flood, K. D. Glusac Pinpointing the Extent of Electronic Delocalization in the Re(I)-to-Tetrazine Charge Separated Excited State Using Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2009, 131, 11656-11657
G. Li, K. D. Glusac The Role of Adenine in Fast Excited-State Deactivation of FAD: a Femtosecond Mid-IR Transient Absorption Study J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 9059-9061
D. B. Spry, K. D. Glusac, A. Goun and M. D. Fayer Excited State Proton Transfer as a Probe of Confined Water in Nafion Membranes J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 8122-8130
K. Glusac, M. E. Kose, H. Jiang, and K. S. Schanze Triplet Excited State in Platinum-Acetylide Oligomers: Triplet Localization and Effects of Conformation J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111, 929-940
K. D. Glusac, A. Goun and M. D. Fayer Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Geminate Recombination in the Group Head Region of Micelles J. Chem. Phys., 2006, 125, 054712.
A. Goun, K. D. Glusac and M. D. Fayer Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Geminate Recombination in Liquids on Short Time Scales: Experiments and Theory J. Chem. Phys, 2006, 124, 084504.
E. E. Silverman, T. Cardiolaccia, X. Zhao, K.-Y. Kim, K. D. Glusac and K. S. Schanze Optical Properties of Pt-Acetylide Oligomer, Polymers and Copolymers Coord. Chem. Rev., 2005, 249, 1491.
K. D. Glusac, M. Pinto, C. Tan and K. S. Schanze Luminescence Quenching of a Phosphorescent Conjugated Polyelectrolyte J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 14964.
K. D. Glusac, I. Ghiviriga, K. A. Abboud and K. S. Schanze Photophysics and Photochemistry of Stilbene-Conatining Platinum Acetylides J.Phys. Chem. B, 2004, 108(16), 4969.
Y. Liu, S. Jiang, K. D. Glusac, D. H. Powell, D. F. Anderson and K. S. Schanze Photophysics of Mono-Disperse Platinum Acetylide Oligomers: Delocalization in the Singlet and Triplet Excited States J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2002, 124, 12412.
K. D. Glusac, S. Jiang and K. S. Schanze Photophysics of Ir(III) Complexes with Oligo(arylene ethynylene) Ligands Chem. Commun., 2002, 2504.